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Inexpensive Ways to Enjoy Christmas with Your Children

Posted by product 29/11/2018 0 Comment(s)

Christmas time makes the winter time one of the most special times of the year and this holds true especially to children.  Children wait all year for this special time of the year when families get together and their favorite elf visits them each year!  Unfortunately, for the adult, it can be the most expensive time of the year.  There are many ways to cut costs and occupy your children for this special time of year. 

Each year the kids and I will sit down and write a letter to Santa.  Instead of buying stationery for the event, we will make it ourselves.  They will draw the cutest reindeer and beautiful festive trees and snow.  We all know Santa enjoys receiving a letter from them, but when he gets a personal piece of artwork just for him, you just know that can’t be beat!  The children will include what they want in their letter and we will send it off to the North Pole. 

Other activities that we enjoy are crafts.  There are so many sites online that can give you good ideas for things to do.  There is also a great deal of pintables such as coloring pages, word games, connect the dots and much more for them to enjoy.  There’s nothing like busy work to keep the house in order on those cold days spent in doors.  Picking up a good movie can also fill a couple of hours when you’re in the need of cleaning or cooking. 

Making an evening of decorating the tree will be something your children will remember for the rest of their lives.  You can pop some popcorn and string it and making garland out of construction paper was always one of my favorite things to do as a child.  Making a decoration each year that you can keep and put on the tree each year will bring wonderful memories of each year. 

Baking is also a child’s favorite thing to do with their parents.  You can bake some yummy sugar cookies and decorate them with icing and sprinkles together.  It’s delicious and fun!  You can share them with your neighbors and the whole family.

To top off the season, I always love to send them a letter from Santa.  You will love seeing the magic of the season in their eyes when they receive the Santa letter.  You also have a choice of sending them a small stocking or a sweet treat to accompany the letter.  The Santa letters are very personal and you can let them help you to have a well behaved child and let your child know how proud you and Santa are for their accomplishments throughout the year.    

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